Tuesday, January 31, 2012


"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."

- Albert Einstein

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Laundry... or something like it

What a day what a day! And the day is not even over! I decided to do laundry today, in hopes for a laundry free weekend. Wishful thinking on my part considering I forgot to close the washer door! All the water drained and the clothes still are not clean. Hah!

Next is the dryer mishap. Little T was "helping", (as toddlers love to mimic), however, it was dirty clothes she was placing in the dryer! This I am afraid is not the last of it... I had that gut wrenching feeling (as most mommies do) that something just was not right. A feeling that she had placed something else in the dryer. I searched and searched but could not find anything. So against my intuition, I placed Little T down for her nap and played my game. (Yes, this mommy is a gamer). As the dryer buzzed I took out my clothes. My white clothes. And what do I see. B.U.B.B.L.E.S!!! A bright red plastic container of bubbles! Holy crap! I recheck everything. Did it bleed!? No. Did it melt!?! No. Is there red everywhere?! No. Whew!!! As a matter of fact, there was still bubble liquid inside the container. It survived my dryer! Wow! This is some sturdy and extremely durable plastic! I continue to empty the dryer. And what do I find now!... stuck to the dryer wall!... a doorstop. What else did Little T place in my dryer?

Friday, October 21, 2011


Often at times, people do not know how to remove themselves from a bad situation. Unaware of things, tension grows and over time things just get awkward. Whether it's family, a friend, or a new found foe, people often mislead themselves by do something they do not want to or by simply being in denial. The good ol' feeling, "things will just get better" often works in some cases. But when things are getting hot and heavy, often at times "fate" needs a helping hand.

In the end, all we can hope is that these people pleasers will one day find the strength they have been looking for. We can hope that this time around when they stop at the fork in the road, that they will chose and take the opposite route. The road they have currently been on, clearly is not working out.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Ever receive bad advice? I am a nursing mama who at times still needs encouragement. Especially when my 10 and a half month old wants to nurse ALL.DAY.LONG. It is exhausting! She likes to hang like a spider monkey.

So, in my time of need I call those I trust most. Family. Supportive, but not the best nursing advice givers. We have lost two generations of nursing moms. And for me, that means it goes back to my Great Grandma. (Which translates to 1940's). At times I often find myself wondering...
if she were here today... What would she say? What advice would she give? I know times are different, but still, I cannot help but wonder.

Surely though, it would not be,
"Don't give into her". WHAAAAAT! Did I just hear correctly?!??! I know it was meant well but... Worst. Advice. Ever.

Then I think back. Waaaaaaaay back... about my immediate family's relationship with nursing. And I remember
...it skips two whole generations.

So what do I do... I continue to nurse my baby.
Growth spurt.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Little Shoes

I've decided to sew little shoes for Little T. I have already cut all the necessary fabric pieces. Or, so I thought. Crap. Still need interfacing. This would be easy, however the iron is currently living in my closet. This means tip-toeing down the hall... slowly open the bedroom door, tip-toe through my room... slowly open the bathroom door, tip-toe through the bathroom... slowly open the closet door and quietly grab the iron and tip-toe my way out of there. Wow! Exhausting! I'm already tired from just thinking about it! Maybe I shall make the little shoes another day. When the baby isn't soundly sleeping.