Thursday, October 13, 2011


Ever receive bad advice? I am a nursing mama who at times still needs encouragement. Especially when my 10 and a half month old wants to nurse ALL.DAY.LONG. It is exhausting! She likes to hang like a spider monkey.

So, in my time of need I call those I trust most. Family. Supportive, but not the best nursing advice givers. We have lost two generations of nursing moms. And for me, that means it goes back to my Great Grandma. (Which translates to 1940's). At times I often find myself wondering...
if she were here today... What would she say? What advice would she give? I know times are different, but still, I cannot help but wonder.

Surely though, it would not be,
"Don't give into her". WHAAAAAT! Did I just hear correctly?!??! I know it was meant well but... Worst. Advice. Ever.

Then I think back. Waaaaaaaay back... about my immediate family's relationship with nursing. And I remember skips two whole generations.

So what do I do... I continue to nurse my baby.
Growth spurt.


  1. Two generations? Wow! Keep nursing, and hang in there during the growth spurts. In the end she'll be the better for it. "Don't give into her"???? She's growing, she's hungry, she's not secretly plotting of ways to manipulate you, lol.

  2. You're right! She's not like Stewie from Family Guy!
